Overcome Indigestion Forever With These 7 Powerful Tips

Lee kendrick
4 min readAug 3, 2022



You feel a burning sensation in your stomach after a meal; how can you calm down this indigestion?

Sure an antacid tablet will help, but what of the side effects on your body? Are there any healthy alternatives that work just as well? Is there anything you can do to prevent indigestion?

If you suffer from digestion problems, try these seven simple preventative steps:

1. Relax Those Troublesome Acids Away

Your emotions affect your stomach, and feeling nervous increases stomach acid; this over-acidity is a prerequisite for indigestion problems.

Avoid eating while under stress until you can calm down; relaxation exercises will help lower acidity in your body, making it more alkaline.

Doing aerobic exercises, breathing for five minutes, or meditation lowers stress levels. Doing these techniques helps to reduce digestive problems!

2. Make Each Meal A Delightful One

If you rush your food, don’t sit eating and masticate each morsel correctly; fewer enzymes are produced in the mouth and stomach to digest food properly.

Introduce raw vegetables and fruit such as carrots, cabbage, beetroot, and apples which help release alkaline enzymes and lower acid levels in your stomach and intestines.

Finally, when chewing your food for longer, you increase the saliva and amylase enzymes in your mouth and stomach, increasing hydrochloric acid to dissolve the food.

3. Don’t Drown And Dilute Your Food

When you drink with meals, this dilutes your digestive acids and enzymes, preventing them from adequately digesting cellulose, proteins, fats, and starches in carbohydrates.

Avoid liquids, such as tea, which release acids that prevent properly digesting proteins and upsets digestion. Enzymes and hydrochloric acid work fully to digest every food particle when undiluted.

An excellent meal example is having no liquids such as water, tea, or coffee until an hour or so later, thus preventing any digestive complications!

4. Increase Your Body’s Essential Natural Acid

Eating acidic foods and drinking too much coffee, tea and alcohol accumulate acid in the body, which can cause conditions like — arthritis.

Ironically, people over 50 have lower amounts of the healthy acid — hydrochloric acid in their stomachs. Taking a hydrochloric acid supplement prevents heartburn and indigestion.

An excellent example of a low acidic person is one on a high alkaline vegetable and fruit diet —with low tea, coffee, and alcohol consumption.

5. Reintroduce Awesome New Enzyme Buddies

As we age, we produce fewer enzymes in our stomachs and small intestines, inhibiting proper digestion from breaking down larger food particles.

We can take digestive enzyme supplements, which include the essential enzymes amylase, lipase, and protease, to help digest the large food particles.

A person with a balanced digestive system has a diet rich in foods such as pineapple, papaya, bananas, honey, and avocados, containing an abundance of healthy enzymes.

6. Introduce New Friendly Bacteria

Another problem people have besides a lack of enzymes and hydrochloric acid people have another problem in their stomach and intestines, which is a low good flora bacteria population.

Eating live yoghurt, kefir, and having a probiotic supplement will introduce billions of friendly bacteria into your gut. Prebiotic foods, garlic, onion, and apples also produce more bacteria.

So, ideally, a person with a diet regularly containing live enzymes, hydrochloric acid, live yoghurt, a probiotic supplement, and prebiotic foods has a strong constitution.

7. Are There Any Powerful Natural Alternative Antacids?

The big problem when someone gets heartburn is they want a quick fix, so they grab a pharmaceutical drug to rapidly relieve the discomfort.

But a powerful natural alternative antacid — sodium bicarbonate, will do just as well. Half to one teaspoon in water will rid your indigestion in a minute!

In emergencies, it is always handy to have some bicarbonate in a small container and some water if you are eating out or at work.

Eat With Absolute Confidence without Suffering Anymore

When you put these preventative measures into practice, you will undoubtedly help your digestive problems. If you eat correctly, avoid the wrong foods that trigger indigestion, and don’t drink with your meals, these procedures will significantly help you.

Additionally, if you lower stress levels, eat foods rich in enzymes and friendly bacteria, and take the supplements mentioned, you can keep heartburn and other digestive problems at bay. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day!

If you wish, introduce these measures gradually into your life at your own pace. Eventually, you will feel the benefits.

Bon appetit!

